Lily Molloy | Actor
Photography was something I started because I wanted to find more ways to be creative. Instantly, I was interested in showing myself and others through the beauty of photographs and still images. So much can be seen with expressions, poses and positions, even, if you look closely, what a person is thinking.
I first started with portaiture here, I was interested in showing people's expression through clothes. Every project I've done has had something to do with the way people express themselves and fashion is the most common way people do it.
This was a fun project, it's focused around identity and how it's shown, I focused on how I express myself with the different things I am involved in and how the perception of myself is changed with the different people I meet and interact with. This project helped me find a better sense of myself.
Another form of expression I wanted to represent through my photography was dance. I wanted to show the beauty of it around different places and that no matter where it's performed, it is still one of the most graceful forms of expression out there.